St. Patrick: The Irish Legend_Movie Review

St. Patrick: The Irish Legend_Movie Review

A young Patrick attended to a druid worship. He was kidnapped by the Irish pirates. The barbarians dragged him aboard a boat bound for the east coast of Ireland. He was sold to a cruel man. He became a slave. Enduring many hardships, he eventually finds comports. Finally he met the Lord. Many times he was praying alone in the hill where it was the most lonely and harsh place. And God respond to his prayer, after several years of slavery, Patrick received a supernatural message. A mysterious voice said that he can return to his homeland soon. Before long, Patrick escaped back to England. But in the party at his home, he received a message supernaturally, the Irishmen asked to him a help. So Patrick became a priest to go to the Ireland. At last, he became a bishop of Ireland, he can return to the Ireland.

In the Ireland, Patrick did a lot of miraculous works, many people became a Christian. He had fight with a superstition belief during in his life. His aim firstly to convert high ranking official and king. There was a lot of obstacles but Patrick endured so that he saves the Irish people. He was one of the first great missionaries who brought the gospel beyond the boundaries of Roman Empire. God’s gospel expended by the first great missionaries and they have a lot of miraculous stories, that point is very interesting to me. New Testaments showed a lot of miracles by Paul and Peter, they also a missionary. Gospel, mission and miracles, it shows that God still alive and he wants to save his people. And as like the St. Patrick, God take care of his servants faithfully now. God is good all the time.
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