Sermon Outline_Luke 14:25-35

Sermon Outline

Text: Luke 14:25-35

Exegetical Big Idea:
S: What are the reasons a person cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ?
C: Because He does not carry his cross and follow Jesus, and he does not estimate the cost of following Jesus.

Homiletical Big Idea:
S: What should you do to be a disciple of Jesus?
C: You should estimate the cost of discipleship and carry your own cross.

Pithy Saying or Punch Line:
You must consider the cost of discipleship in your life.
Introduction: In the book of Luke, chapter 14, Jesus sees the large crowds traveling with him. Jesus said 3 parables to them. It was the cost of discipleship, and then he demanded to them estimate the cost of following Jesus or do not following Jesus. He knows that there are so many people pretend to follow him, they are all superficial disciples. So he demanded to them if they want to be a real disciple of Jesus, they have to abandon their family and his life. And then who does not carry his cross and follow Jesus cannot be his disciple. So now we should think about the cost of discipleship.

I. You should estimate the cost of following Jesus.
If you are a constructor, when you build a house, you need to calculate all of the expense. Similarly if you want to be a disciple of Jesus, you should think of your cross in future. Believing Jesus is not easy life, there are many histories which people had faced some difficulty and suffered pain in their life. Bible said that “Enter through the narrow gate.” (Mt 7:13) You have to think about the cost of following Jesus.

II. If you do not follow Jesus, you should estimate the cost.
The enemy has brought twenty thousand soldiers toward the king. The king just has two choices. One is fight with the enemy or surrender. So firstly he has to estimate the result. This parable shows where we are. If you do not follow Jesus, finally you are defeated to Satan and then surrender to Satan. Failure to follow Jesus, the result is destruction. You will lose your eternal life.

III. You have to live like true salt.
Jesus' final saying discusses salt. Salt was considered an essential of life. It was used for both flavoring and preservation. Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, it is thrown out. If they who following Jesus like that lose its saltiness, Jesus does not want to use them for his kingdom. On this reason we should live like the true salt.

Conclusion: If we want to be a real disciple of Jesus, we must consider the cost and put Him above everything else. Is He Lord of your finances and possessions? Are you faithful in managing these things for His purpose? Is He the Lord of your plans, your thoughts, and of all that you do? If you are don’t hate your own life and daily carry your cross, you are not His disciple. I know Jesus’ words here are so tough and painful to you and me. But we must honestly work at applying them to our hearts. If you want to be a disciple, take your time for a moment. As soon as you get home tonight, read Luke chapter 14 again. And then pray for your soul to be ready that you should obey to God’s words. It is difficult to be a disciple but when you pray, God will help you always.

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