[Prophetic & Poetic Books Exam]

[Prophetic & Poetic Books Exam]

1. The identity of the “servant” in the “Servant Songs” in Isaiah is another controversial issue (Isa 42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12). Explain the proposed identities and provide your critiques to these proposed identities. Who do you think the “servant” is?  [Isaiah, pp. 24R-29L; 36R-37L]

2. The idea of the “New Covenant” (Jeremiah 31:31-34) is one of the major themes of Jeremiah. Explain the concept of “New Covenant” in terms of judgment and salvation? [Jeremiah, p. 60, pp. 64L-67L]

3. What circumstance do you think caused the prophet Ezekiel to write the book of Ezekiel? What is the rhetorical intention of Ezekiel? [Ezekiel, pp. 83L-85L; 103R-105L]

4. How can the phrase “Son of Man” in Daniel be interpreted? [Daniel, pp. 118R-119R; 120-121; 127]

5. What circumstance do you think caused the prophet Daniel to write the book of Daniel? What is the rhetorical intention of Daniel? [Daniel, pp. 128R-129R][10 points]

6. The idea of faithfulness and love is a key issue in the book of Hosea. Explain this idea with Hosea’s marriage to Gomer. [Hosea, pp. 139R-141; 144R-146R]

7. The idea of justice and righteousness is a key issue in the book of Amos. Explain this idea. [Amos, pp. 172-173; p. 176R] [10 points]

8. What is the idea of “betweenness” in the theology of Zechariah? [Zech. pp. 251-253]

Hebrew Poetry
9. 7 types of Psalms are suggested by some form-critical scholars.
They are “1. Hymns; 2. Laments; 3. Songs of Thanksgiving; 4. Royal Psalms; 5. Pslams of Confidence; 6. Wisdom Psalms; 7. Torah Psalms.” Explain them as they are presented in the textbook

10. Robert Lowth argued that the essential feature of Hebrew poetry is “parallelism.” What is menat by “parallelism” in Hebrew poetry? Explain the “7 types of parallelism”]

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