Radical. David Platt __review


Radical. David Platt __review

As I read this book, I could feel the author’s passion and enthusiasm about Gospel. And I also was infected the author’s thought. He has a view of worldly Christian and an open mind to brothers and sisters of the world. He told me many beneficial stories that he had been experienced in the mission field. It is very helpful.

I owe the gospel to every lost person. And God wants to me to live my lives here for the sake of people around the world who don’t know Christ. So I questioned for myself, was I doing that? So many times I lived for myself and to gain pleasure things.

So I realized my goal and mission; Let them know Jesus Christ as a savior, many lost people in the world. And I also was challenged that I have to pay a cost to follow Jesus. It is mean that I would lost many things of my earthly possessions even comfortable and safety life. Because I have found something worth losing everything else for. The author explains Matthew 13, heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, and a man found it. Through his explains, I could understand what is the most valuable things. God wants to me live for heaven, not for the earthly successful life. So I realized that all of my thoughts are missed this point for a long time. I dreamed a successful life like fame and self-satisfaction even as a missionary. And now, I really want to live for the most precious treasure which hidden in earthly life. I had been discovered the infinite treasure of knowing and experiencing Jesus Christ.

This book has a view of Gospel, the author listed it, there are 7 truths,

1) all people have knowledge of God,

2) all people reject God,

3) all people are guilty before God,

4) all people are condemned for rejecting God,

5) God has made a way of salvation for the lost,

6) people cannot come to God apart from faith in Christ,

7) Christ commands the Church to make the Gospel known to all peoples.

And then, David Platt asserts that “we are the plan of God, and there is no plan B.” Obviously I agreed his point. It is the purpose of Church, and that must be my way of life. So, I think that is Christian’s identity and calling.

And I thought that how could I apply this book’s radical point of views. This book is really radical and practical. And I think so many Korean churches are following dreams of mega-church like as the American dream. The author stressed that God called us for the global purpose and he gave us gifts for that mission. So firstly, I want to pray for my church members, especially to make true disciples. And in the future time, I want to plant churches. I don’t want to plant a church which it has splendid and wonderful building. And I don’t want to make a big church. My church will be focus on global mission and make disciples. 

Also, in my ministry, I really want to change my Sunday school teachers mind. They should be hearing God’s Word taught in order to teach others, especially kids. So I continuously recommend them to study God’s Word every day and practice about 5 components from Radical book.

1. Pray for the entire world,

2. Read through the entire Word,

3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose,

4. Spend your time in another context,

5. Commit your life to a multiplying community.

I will do practice every day. I realized that I have responsible for teaching Word and making disciples.


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