Systematic Theology : Personal Doctrinal Statements

Systematic Theology : Personal Doctrinal Statements

1) Trinity
Def.) The doctrine that God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son,
         and Holy Spirit and each person is fully God, and there is one God
       I believe in the eternal Triune God (Is 57:15; Rom 16:26; Heb 9:14; 13:8):
    o God is one being (Dt 6:4-5; Ex 15:11; Is 45:5-6; 45:21-22; 1 Tm 2:5;
         Rom 3:30; 1 Cor 8:6; Jas 2:19) and three persons, the Father, the Son, and
         the Holy Spirit.
    o The Father is God (Gn 1:1); Jesus is God (Jn 1:1-4; 20:28; Heb 1:10;
          Rom 9:5) and the Holy Spirit is God (Mt 28:19; Acts 5:34; Ps 139:7-8;
          1 Cor 2:10-11).
    o The Son is not the Father (Jn 1:1-2), and he advocates to the Father (1 Jn 2:1)
    o The Holy Sirit is not the Father, and he also intercedes to him (Rom 8:27)
    o The Holy Spirit is not the Son, but came after his ascension (Jn 16:7), and
         teaches the disciples (Jn 14:16). The Holy Spirit is not just a force but a
         person with intelligence (Jn 14:26; 15:26; Rom 8:16), will (Acts 16:7;
        1 Cor 12:11), and sffection (Is 63:10; Eph 4:30)

2) Human Nature

       I believe that man was created in the image of God (Gen 1:27), and God created
       man as male and female by miraculous act (Gen 2:7, 21-22, 5:2). So they were
       goo when created. But Man sinned against God by his own choice and brought
       sin into the human race (Gen 3). Only the grace of God can bring man into His
       holy fellowship and enable man to fulfill the creative purpose of God through
       regeneration by the Holy Spirit, who remakes us in the image of Christ (Col 3:10,
       Rm 8:29, 2Co 3:18).

3) SinDef.) Any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature
        I believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is
        therefore lost .
             o Adam and Eve commit sin by eating forbidden fruit (Gen 3:6)  They fell
         from our original righteousness and communion, with God(7:29,Rom 3:23)
         and so became dead in sin. (Gen 2:17)
       o So all men are counted guilty because of their sin (Rom 5:12).

4) Work of Christ      I believe that Jesus occupies three main offices: Prophet, Priest, and King and he
      fulfills these three offices perfectly.
     o As prophet, he reveals God to us and speaks God’s word to us.(Deut. 18:15-
        18, Matt. 16:14, John 4:19,Heb.1:1-2)
     o As priest, Jesus offered a perfect sacrifice for sin (Heb.4:14,9:24,9:26,10:4)
        and continually brings us near to God.(Heb.6:19-20,Luke 23:45,Heb.10:19-
        22) and prays for us.(Heb.7:25, Rom.8:34,Acts 25:24, Rom.11:2)
     o As king, Jesus rules over the church and over the universe as well.(Matt.2:2,
        John 18:36, Matt.4:17,23;12:28,26:64,2 Thes.1:7-10;Rev.19:11-16,Phil.2:10)

5) SalvationDef.) Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer.
       I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only
       ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and thus become
       children of God by the Holy Spirit.
      o The blood of Jesus Christ (Gal 4:4-5; 1Ti 2:6; Ro 4:25) and His resurrection
         (1Pe 1:3-4; Heb 1:14, 6:12) provide the only ground for justification and
         salvation for all who believe.
      o Salvation comes through trusting Jesus, not by trying to earn our salvation
         through good works. (Gal 2:16)

6) Covenant
Def.) An unchangeable, divinely imposed legal agreement between God and man that stipulates the conditions of their relationship.
       I believe that God made covenant of works with man (Gen 26:3;28:15; 31:3;
       Ex 3:12) wherein life was promised to Adam and in him to his posterity, upon
       condition of perfect and personal obedience (Hosea 6:7;Rom 10:5;Gen 2:17;
       Gal 3:10) but after his fall, God made covenant of grace with man wherein He
       freely offers unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ; requiring of faith in
       Him, that they may be saved, and promising to give eternal life (Gal 3:21;
       Gen 3:15; Rom 3:20; Isa 42:6; Mk 16:15; John 3:16; Rom 10:6; Gal 3:11).

7) ChurchDef.) The community of all true believers for all time.
       I believe that the church is the one (1 Cor. 12:11; Eph. 2:18, 4:3-4), holy
       (Heb. 2:11; 1 Pet. 1:15-16; John 17:17-19) universal (Mark 16:15; Gal 3:28;
       Matt. 28:20), and apostolic (Act. 2:42; 2 Thess. 2:15; 2 Tim. 1:6) community of
       all true believers for all time. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and head of
       the Church, and that every local church has the right under Christ to decide and
       govern its own affairs. (Matt. 16:19; Eph. 3:10-11)

8) SacramentsI believe that the Sacrament is a church service or rite which was held to have been instituted by Jesus Christ himself (Mt 28:19; Mk 16:16; LK 22:19; 1 Cor 11:23, 25-26). In Protestant teaching, a ceremony or rite that the church observes as a sign of God’s grace and as one means by which those who are already justified receive God’s continuing grace in their lives. The two Protestant sacraments are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

9) WorshipDef.) The activity of glorifying God in his presence with our voices and hearts.
       I believe that worship is the proper response to who God is, and it is our duty and
       privilege to bow before Him with adoration, reverence and awe. God alone is
       worthy of our worship. Worship is to the Father and Son through the Holy Spirit.
           o Worship is our proper response to who God is (1 Chr 16:29, Heb 12:29,
              Ps 96:4-8, Ps 95:6, Ps 150:6, Ps 61:8, Is 12:5, Ac 3:8-9).
           o Worship is our duty and privilege. (1 Chr 16:29, Ps 96:8)
           o God alone is worthy, there shall be no other God before Him. (Ex 34:14,
              2 Sam 22:4, Ex 20:3-5, Is 45:5, 21-23)

10) EschatologyDef.) The section of Christian theology dealing with the “last things,” especially the ideas of resurrection, hell, the last judgment, and eternal life.
       I believe in the return of Christ (Act 1:11; Rev. 1:7; Mt 16:27) and the final
       judgment of all men. (Acts 17:31; Matt. 11:36; Heb. 9:27; Rom 14:10, 12;
      1Chr 4:5; 2Tim 4:1)


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