The Law and the Prophets

The Law and the Prophets

◩ Example of Leviticus 17:10-14
Sermon point - Idolatry.
God wants to worship him alone.
Love the Lord your God and loves your neighbor.

◩ 6 Guidelines
- The OT law is a covenant.
-- Preamble, prologue, stipulations, witnesses, sanctions, and document clause(Numbers and Deuteronomy)

- The OT is not our Testament.
-- Loyalty in the old covenant and the new covenant

- Two kinds of Old-covenant stipulations have clearly not been renewed in the new covenant.
-- civil laws and ritual laws.

◩ Interpreting the OT Law
- OT law is not just about G's justice and holiness, but also about G's love and mercy
- Remember what J says about the essence of the OT Law: "Love your God..." and "Love your neighbor..."(Matt 22)

◩ The Psalms
- Collection of inspired Hebrew prayers and hymns
- Most beloved part of the OT (Gideon's)
(NT quotation Psalms.)

◩ What are the Psalms
- God's word to his people
- The Peoples' words to God and about God
- Prayers, hymns, and confessions to God, about His nature.
- The Problem of Hermeneutics
-- How do these words spoken to God function as a Word from God to us?
-- The Psalms do not function primarily for the teaching of doctrine or moral behavior.

◩ Value of the Psalms
- The psalms serve as a guide to worship
(Eph. 5:19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,)
- the psalms demonstrate to us how we can relate honestly to God
- The psalms demonstrate the importance of reflection and meditation on things that God has done for us.

◩ Interpreting the Psalms
- Understand their Nature.....

◩ Nature of the Psalms
- The Psalms are musical poems.
-- Poems have rhythm, balance, structure for greater memorability.
-- Widely used in ancient Israel as a means of learning.
- Hebrew Poetry addresses the mind through the heart.
-- Musical poems evoke feelings.
- The Vocabulary of poetry is purposefully metaphorical.
-- Look for the intent of the metaphors.

◩ Parallelisms in Hebrew Poetry
- Synonymous parallelism - 2nd reinforces 1st
-- 9:1 I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.
- Antithetical parallelism - 2nd contrasts 1st
-- 1:6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

- Synthetic parallelism - 2nd informs or adds to 1st
-- To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill

◩ Psalms as Literature
- Psalms as literature are of several different types, each type having a certain form an function
- The types of Psalms: Laments, Thanksgiving, Hymns of Praise, Salvation, History, Celebration and Affirmation, Wisdom, Songs of Trust

- Five Books of the Psalms"
-- Book 1: Pss 1-41("of David" except 1,2,33 which are untitled)
-- Book 2: Pss 42-72(42-50 "of the sons of Korah" or "of Asaph", 51-70 "of David"; 71 untitled, 72 "of Solomon")
-- Book 3: Pss 73-89(mostly "of Asaph" and some "of the sons of Korah")
-- Book 4: Pss 90-106(mostly "of David" except 101 and 103, untitled)
-- Book 5: Pss 107-150(mostly untitled, but 15 "of David" (inc.138-45); 15 "songs of ascent"(120-34); 5 "Hallelujah"(146-150)

◩ 7 types of Psalms
- Lament Psalms (e.g.  3, 31, 42, 88, 120)
-- Largest group, around 60,  some corporate, some individual
-- Express struggles, suffering, disappointment, but with a deep sense of trust in Yahweh
- Thanksgiving Psalms(e.g., group 65, 75, 124; indv 18, 30)
-- 6 group, 10 individual, expressing feelings of joy and gratitude
- Hymns of Praise (e.g., 19, 100, 113)
-- Praise God as Creator (8), protector(66), history's Lord(33)
- Salvation-History Psalms (78, 105, 106, 135, 136)
-- Reviews history of God;s saving works, esp. exodud.
- Psalms of Celebration and Affirmation (e.g., 50, 89, 101)
-- Covenant renewal liturgies(50, 81); Davidic covenant (89, 132); Royal psalms (2, 18, 20, 21, 45, 72, 101, 110, 144); Enthronement psalms(24, 29, 47, 93, 95-9); Songs of Zion(46, 48, 76, 84, 87, 122)
- Wisdom Psalms (36, 37, 49, 73, 112, 127, 128, 133)
-- 8 psalms similar to Proverbs(8)
- Songs of Trust(11, 16, 23, 27, 63, 91, 121, 125, 131)
-- 10 psalms that speak of the trustworthiness of God, his goodness and care.

◩ Psalm 3: A Lament
- 6 elements of Lament psalms(e.g., Ps3)
-- Address(vv. 1, 7)
-- Complaint(vv. 1b, 2)
-- Trust(vv. 3-6)
-- Deliverance(v. 7a)
-- Assurance(v. 7b)
-- Praise(v. 8)

- How would you preach this Psalm?

◩ Psalm 138: A Thanksgiving
- 5 Elements of a thanksgiving psalm(Ps 138)
-- Introduction(vv. 1-2)
-- Distress (assumed in v. 3)
-- Appeal(v. 3)
-- Deliverance (vv. 6-7)
-- Testimony (vv. 4-5, 8)
- How would you preach this Psalm?

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