Worship_Theological term


I believe that worship is the proper response to who God is, and it is our duty and privilege  to bow before Him with adoration, reverence and awe.  God alone is worthy of our worship. Worship Worship is to the Father and Son through the Holy Spirit.

• Worship is our proper response to who God is (1 Chr 16:29, Heb 12:29, Ps 96:4-8, Ps 95:6, Ps 150:6, Ps 61:8, Is 12:5, Ac 3:8-9,)
• Worship is our duty and privilege (1 Chr 16:29, Ps 96:8)
• In adoration, reverence and awe.( Heb 12:29, Phil 2:9-11, Matt 27:54, Lk 5:26, Ac 2:43, Eph 5:21, Jam 4:10)
• God alone is worthy, there shall be no other God before Him. (Ex 34:14, 2 Sm 22:4, Ex 20:3-5, Is 45:5, 21-23)
• To the Father and Son through the Holy Spirit. (Jn 4:23, Phil 2:9-11)

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