Healthy Christians Make a Healthy Church (Called to awaken the Laity) / Oak, John H.

Healthy Christians Make a Healthy Church (Called to awaken the Laity) / Oak, John H.

Laity in the church of today has emerged as a very serious problem. Their original mission of the laity has been ignored for a long time. What is the position of the laity in the church? What does laity mean? What is the role of the laity in the church and the world? It is the minister’s responsible to rediscover the true laity. They should be a disciple of Jesus.

After Korean revival, they were faced with many problems. There are typically three problems; the issue of honesty, lack of influence, discrepancies faith and life of the lay. The real problem is that the lay people are sleeping. How can we awaken and encourage the laity to be a mature disciple? As the era of reformation and revival, the laity should be doing properly their role in the church and world.
What does laity mean? Layman is a dedicated to the Lord, the chosen people, the saints and disciples, and refers to the community of believers. We must get away from the cleric supremacy. There is no class structure in the church. Minister and laity are the same saints. They are also a servant of Jesus. We must regain the lost biblical appearance of the lay. The minister is, also like the laity, who is called to serve. God called them as the universal priesthood. They are all priests, they should live holy.

Minister has to help and guide the lay to exercise their privileges as a true priest. If minister wants to wake the laity, they should have been crazy first of all. It must be crazy to the laypeople. And the minister should have a firm philosophy of ministry. A firm philosophy of ministry will be help to go rightly in its way.

What is the church? What is the purpose of the church to exist? Church is the people of God whom they are called in Christ Jesus. And church exists to fulfill the will of God for the salvation of the world. They are God’s people who called from the world and at the same time they are called as a disciple of Jesus who was sent to the world. Biblical church is the apostolic church. The laity inherits the teaching and works of the apostles. Church exists to worship, to save the world, and to teach and train the laity. Worship, evangelism and training should be kept well-balanced.

Jesus commanded to make a disciple. Discipleship is the believer’s life and it is a process to walk. Jesus carefully chose his disciples. And then he trained them, sent them. The way of discipleship applies to all Christian. Disciples should be takes up his cross. They must be follows Jesus through the thorough obedience. He is the witness preaching the gospel. And the laity should serve like Jesus. It should be changed the center of the church to laity rather than minister.

First of all, minister must be change, and after the laity will be change.

This book tells us about right appearance of the laity who make up the church. There are many dysfunctions in the church as not properly function. As I read this book, I should have to ask a question in my mind. What is the true church and true the appearance of the laity? Many pastors interested in growing numbers. And they dedicate for that. It must be wrong. To build the church properly, have to wake the laity who is asleep.

God is still working through the church. Through the obedience he makes a new works in the world. If the laity does not become a disciple there is no use. Believe in Jesus and then I became a disciple of Jesus. And I know that God wants to come true through his disciples.

Therefore it is important to make the laity to be a disciple, and train them. As the book name is the healthy Christian make a healthy church, to become a healthy Christian is the most important priority. Through this book, I had been realized about the importance of the lay once again.

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