The Canon of Scripture


■ Jesus and Inerrancy

- Jesus assumes the divine authority of Scripture

Matt 5:17-18 / Matt 19:4

-Jesus saw his entire life as a fulfillment of Scriptures.

Matt 26:54

-Jesus' disciples must share his view of Scripture.


■ The Canon of Scripture

- Why does the bible contain only the 66 books?

- How was the Canon formed?

- What was the role of the Church in the formation of the Canon?


■ Canon

-Canon comes from the Greek kavwv meaning “rule, standard" by which to determine the quality of something.


- Canon applied to the bible suggests

-- the standard of faith and practice

-- the closed list of inspired texts


■ Assaulting the Canon

- 300 years of historical criticism


- Rethinking and rewriting early Christian history

-- Waler Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy in earliest christianity(1971)

-- Bart Erhman, Lost Scriptures: Books that did not make it into the New Testament(2005)



■ History VS Theology

- Major question in Canonical Study:

-- Historical view of Canon

-- Theological view of Canon

-- Are these two at odds?


- How one incorporates and relates these two views largely determines one's acceptance of the biblical Canon.



■ Historical view of Canon

- When were the first canon lists formed?


- NT Canon lists begin in the early 3rd century:

-- Marcion(c.140); Muratorian(C. 270); Bracoccia(c.206); Apostolic(C.300); Nicea(c.323); Athanasius(367; 1st to contain all 27 books); Hippo(393); Carthage(397)


- Conclusion from the historical evidence; NT canon incomplete until 4th century


- Assumptions of this approach

--The establish Church(Catholic) conferred authority on the canonical texts based on political needs.

--Canonical orthodoxy is arbitrary.

--The authority of the Church stands above the authority of Scripture.




■ Theological view of canon

- What is Scripture and how was it used?


- Begins with Scripture as inspired texts that are "God-breathed" and therefore, enjoy a divine quality.

-- Divine inspiration suggests that canon is a working assumption of Jesus and the early church.


-Conclusion from the theological evidence; NT canon complete when inspired and set by God.


- Assumptions of this approach:

-- The establish Church(Catholic) discovered the authoritative quality of the canonical texts based on experience.

-- Canonical orthodoxy is divinely determined, not arbitrary winner vs. losers.

-- The authority of the church stands under the authority of Scripture


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