[Ministry to youth]_recommended books

[Ministry to youth]

1. Theology of Ministry to Youth
Students will study the biblical grounds and goals for ministry to youth; with the purpose of (1) discovering that ministry to youth is integral to the life and mission of the global church and (2) being challenged to lead the church in reaching the youth around the world.

2. The Development and Discipleship of Youth
Students will be introduced to the unique psycho-social developmental issues of adolescence and emerging adulthood; with the purpose of (1) exploring its implications for adolescent spiritual development, (2) and developing a framework which will be considerate of developmental realities.

3. The Global Culture of Youth
Students will be introduced to the unique global culture of youth and explore its implications for adolescent spiritual formation, so that they may better understand and engage youth with the gospel, while leading parents, volunteers and church leadership in the same.

4. Models and Methods of Ministry to Youth
Students will be introduced to a meta-model for ministry to youth —assisting in the development of theologically grounded yet highly contextualized models of ministry.

::: Recommended Book list :::

Senter III, M. H., Black, W., Clark, C., & Nel, M. (2001). Four views of youth ministry and the church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
Mueller, Walt (2009). The space between: A parent’s guide to teenage development. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties Resources.
Linhart, Terry, & Livermore, David (2011). Global youth ministry: Reaching adolescents around the world. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

Borgman, Dean (1997). When kumbaya is not enough: A practical theology for youth ministry. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
Dean, K. C., Clark, C. & Rahn, D. (2001). Starting right: Thinking theologically about youth ministry. Grand Rapids: Youth Specialties Academic, Zondervan.
DeVries, Mark (2008). Sustainable youth ministry: Why most youth ministry doesn’t last and what your church can do about it. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books.
Dunn R. R. & Senter III, M. H. (1997). Reaching a generation for Christ: A comprehensive guide to youth ministry. Chicago: Moody Press.
Livermore, David (2009). Cultural intelligence: Improving your CQ to engage our multicultural world. Grand Rapids: Baker Academics.
Mueller, Walt (2006). Engaging the soul of youth culture: Bridging teen worldviews and Christian truth. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books.
Tripp, Paul D. (2001). Age of opportunity: A biblical guide to parenting teens Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Turnau, Ted (2012). Popologetics: Popular culture in Christian perspective. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.


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