Preaching_Num 27:16-18_Calling from God

Preaching_Num 27:16-18_Calling from God

Today, I want to share with you about ‘Calling from God.’

I have had leadership experience the army training camp for recruits. I had just became a soldier, the platoon commander already appointed one recruit to be a leader of my platoon. This guy was a Yonsei University student, very smart, handsome, got a good feature but he was too selfish. So every member didn’t like him. After 2 weeks later, we gathered in one place, in order to receive training. The training was rifle disassembly and assembly. Now I recall at that time, I don’t know how it happened to me. It was amazing and merciful time. I did it faster. It must be God’s plan for me. And then the commander of my platoon said to me, “Congratulation! Now you are the new leader of the recruits.” So, suddenly I became a leader. They knew already I am a Christian, so I can’t be nasty to them. It means that I had to treat carefully all of my duty as a Christian. I knew that they are watching me. During 6 weeks, I tried best as I can. And finally I understand that why God called me to be a leader of my platoon. Last day of our training, one guy confessed to me he want to be a Christian and he want to go to the church because me. For this reason, God wants to me serving others. If I was not a leader, probably I spend too much time grumbling about everything.
I believe it must be God’s will. (God’s purpose)

In the Bible Numbers chapter 27, the Israel was staying in the plains of Moab, God called Moses to go up to Mount Abarim. Moses not enter the land of Canaan because of his disobedience, he will die like his brother Aaron. He failed to show God’s holiness before the Israel. Moses and Aaron weren't permitted to enter the Promised Land with the new generation. Moses asked God to appoint a new leader.

v.16 "Let the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation 17 who shall go out before them and come in before them, who shall lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the Lord may not be as sheep that have no shepherd." (Num 27:16-18)
And God called Joshua’s name.
Why did God called Joshua as a leader?

I. God called Joshua to lead his people into the promised land. God chose Joshua as a new shepherd of Israel.
Joshua was the spirit is in him. God anointed him by the Holy Spirit. He followed God wholeheartedly. And God gave him Moses’ magisterial authority. God called Joshua as a leader of Israel. God chose Joshua to lead Israel enter into the promised land, Canaan.
Under Joshua's leadership, the nation worked together to defeat the pagan nations in Canaan and then establish the nation of Israel. He finished the purpose of God. To complete the salvation history, God is looking for his faithful servants. What about Jesus? Jesus also called people to follow him. And he wanted to accomplish God’s will. God calls Jesus for a purpose of his salvation.
What about you? If you are a Christian, it means you are forgiven from all your sin through Jesus Christ, God definitely called you. Why did God choose you?

II. God calls you to lead his people into the kingdom of heaven.
God always called his people in the bible. Every moment, God said, “Follow me! Abraham, follow me! Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Joshua follow me!”
And Jesus called his disciples, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men."(Mt. 4:19)
And then Jesus invites you into His Great Commission "as disciples, to make disciples":
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”(Mt 28:19-20)

Serving in the Kingdom of God is not just for special people. It’s for everyone. We have one primary calling in life …to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus calls his followers to serve others. God wants to you to lead his people enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Conclusion: God called you for the purpose of his salvation. Wherever you are, God wants you to have an effect on other people. If you are a Christian, you must live as a disciple of Jesus. Since God calls you to follow Jesus. If we are disciples, we must go and make disciples. This is the rule of kingdom of heaven. If you want to follow Jesus more closely, take your time for a moment. As soon as you get home tonight, write down a small card: “God called me for a purpose of his salvation” and stick that card in your Bible. Every time you see that card, it’ll remind you that salvation is the purpose for which you’ve been called. And I hope when you’re reminded of that, that you’ll say a little prayer asking God to help you fulfill his purpose for your life every day.
“The kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.”(Mt. 11:12)


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