Theology Exam_part I_Theological Definitions & cite Scripture

Theology Exam_part I
Theological Definitions & cite Scripture

1. Prolegomena
2. Theology
3. Systematic Theology
4. Dogmatic Theology
5. Historical Theology
6. Philosophical Theology
7. Biblical Theology
8. Synoptic Gospels
9. The Bible
10. Word of God
11. Inspiration
12. Illumination
13. Perspicuity of Scripture (J Calvin)
14. kerygma
15. Anthropomorphism
16. Univocal Language
17. Equivocal Language
18. Analogical Language
19. Metaphorical Language
20. Four senses of Scripture
21. Apocalyptic
22. The Fourth Gospel
23. Synoptic Problem
24. Vulgate
25. Typology
26. Orthodoxy
27. Heresy
28. Praxis
29. Apologetics
30. Exegesis
31. Isogesis
32. Hermeneutics
33. Quadriga
34. Apophatic
35. “Fathers”
36. Apostolic Era
37. Patristic Period
38. Apostolic Fathers
39. Rule of Faith
40. Tradition
41. Apostolic Tradition
42. Faith Seeking Understanding/”I believe in order that I might understand.”
43. Canon
44. Deuterocanonical Writings
45. Apocrypha
46. Tradition
47. School of Antioch
48. School of Alexandria
49. catholic
50. Eastern Orthodox Church
51. Coptic Church
52. Greek Orthodox Church
53. Russian Orthodox Church
54. Roman Catholic Church
55. Textus Receptus
56. Revelation
57. Natural Theology
58. The Five Ways
59. Ontological Argument
60. analogia entis
61. analogia fidei
62. Revelation as History
63. Salvation History
64. Faith
65. Personal Revelation
66. Propositional Revelation
67. Revelation as History
68. Scriptural Authority
69. Inerrancy
70. Infallibility
71. Inspiration
72. Sola Scriptura
73. Sola Fide
74. Sola Gratia
75. Divine Attributes
76. Divine Aseity
77. Communicative Attributes
78. Incommunicative Attributes
79. Appropriation
80. Arianism
81. Arius
82. Economic Trinity
83. Imminent Trinity
84. Patripassionism
85. Sabellianism
86. Theopaschitism
87. Pneumatomachians
88. Montanism
89. filioque
90. Dynamic Monarchianism
91. Modalism
92. Docetism
93. Ebionitism
94. perichoresis
95. Consubstantial
96. Ousia
97. Ontology
98. Confession
99. Creed
100. Catechism
101. Conciliarism
102. Ecumenical Councils
103. Scholasticism
104. Copernican Revolution
105. Renaissance
106. Humanism
107. Protestantism
108. Rationalism
109. Idealism
110. The Enlightenment
111. Protestant Liberalism
112. Modernism
113. Deism
114. Neo-Orthodoxy
115. Fideism
116. Dialectical Theology
117. Fundamentalism
118. Humanism
119. Protest Atheism
120. Process Theology
121. Classical Theism
122. Existentialism
123. Liberation Theology
124. Feminist Theology
125. Narrative Theology
126. Postliberalism
127. Postmodernism
128. Reformed
129. Radical Orthodoxy
130. Polycarp
131. Ignatius of Antioch
132. Irenaeus
133. Tertullian
134. Justin the Martyr
135. Origen
136. Arius
137. Athanasius
138. Cappadocian Fathers
139. St. Augustine
140. Jerome
141. Martin Luther
142. John Calvin
143. Immanuel Kant
144. F D E Schleiermacher
145. Søren Kierkegaard
146. Karl Barth
147. Emil Brunner
148. Jürgen Moltmann
149. Wolfhart Pannenberg

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