First Fruit_Zinzendorf and the Moravians Movie


Movie Review

Title : First Fruit_Zinzendorf and the Moravians Movie

Zinzendorf and Moravians, they decided to send somewhere for mission. Two guys visited one black man, he was a slave, and he showed his back there were a lot of tortured marks. But two Moravian brothers want to go where God calls them. Finally they departed from home to the black man’s country. There’s a lot of slaves, they all have been lived miserably. Two Moravian missionaries preached God’s gospel to them, and said that they want to be slaves for Indians. But they don’t understand what two white men said it. So they did not believe them.

Missionaries tried to help the sick and the poor wholeheartedly. They served slave people. But some white man, the farm owner, hated missionaries. Finally one brother left behind the other missionary. He worked hard alone, one boy like him. They became a good partner, the boy followed him everywhere. After some time, he fell to illness. Some black fellows came to visit, nursed him. Eventually, he recovered, he preached gospel just like he had doing yet, and helped other people. Then one day, the boy told to him that he wants to be a Christian and he believes God and his Savior Jesus Christ. This event was the first fruit. And then on Christmas Eve day, two black man and woman became a Christian.

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