Systematic Theology_Group Assignment Question

Systematic Theology
Group Assignment Question

1. Trinity

2. Human Nature
Q: what is difference between God created human and other things? And first situation before falling sin
3. Sin
Q: what do do you think when is first origin of sin?
4. Work of Christ
Q: How about including the Sacrifice Jesus offered Himself for our sins as a Priest?
As king, what part Jesus rule over?
5. Salvation
Q:how do we become children of God?

6. Covenant
Q: what is chacter of covenant?

7. Church
Q: what is definition of church?

8. Sacraments
Q: definition of sacrament

9. Worship
Q: how do we worship God?

10. Eschatology
Q: good

Group Assignment Question
1. Trinity

2. Human Nature
Q: what do you think first orgin of Sin? Effect of Satan and adam’s choice?

3. Sin
Q: Not much to add or modify
4. Work of Christ
Q: As king how Jesus rule over the church when he came to earth?
5. Salvation
Q: Not much to add or modify…

6. Covenant
Q: what is difference between old covenant and new covenant?

7. Church
Q: Not much to add or modify…

8. Sacraments
Q: materials of sacrament? detail explain
9. Worship
Q: Why we worship God?

10. Eschatology
Q: what happen when Jesus come again?

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