Sin_theological term


I believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost .

• Adam and Eve commit sin by eating forbidden fruit (Gen 3:6) They fell from our original righteousness and communion, with God(ECC 7:29,Rom 3:23) and so became dead in sin(Gen 2:17)
• All men are counted guilty because of their sin (Rom 5:12) .
• From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled,(ROM 8:7 ) and made opposite to all good(Eph 4:18), and wholly inclined to all evildo proceed all actual transgressions (ROM 3:10-12)
• Every sin brings guilt (James 2:10),Agitation (Job 3:17) and trouble (Hos 4:15) upon every sinner .
• At the result of sin every sinner is made subjected to death ,physically (Gen 3:19) spiritually (Rom 6:23) and eternally(Rev 20:14)

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