Chapter Title of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus

Title of Genesis
Chapter 1. Creation
Chapter 2. God created man and woman
Chapter 3. The Fall
Chapter 4. Heredity of Sin
Chapter 5. Account of Adam's line
Chapter 6. The Flood and Noah
Chapter 7. The ark is the only shelter
Chapter 8. New Covenant
Chapter 9. God's promise and Noah's sons
Chapter 10. Clan of Noah's sons
Chapter 11. Babel Tower and then Abram's backgrounds
Chapter 12. God blessed Abram
Chapter 13. Abram and Lot part company
Chapter 14. Abram defeated kings and rescues Lot
Chapter 15. The Lord made a covenant with Abram and blessed him
Chapter 16. Hagal bore Abram a son, Ishmael
Chapter 17. God promised Isaac
Chapter 18. Abraham invites three men and intercedes for Sodom
Chapter 19. God destroys Sodom and Gomorarah
Chapter 20. Abraham and Abimelech, 2nd mistake
Chapter 21. The birth of Isaac and Hagal was dismissed
Chapter 22. God command to sacrifice Isaac
Chapter 23. Sarah's death and burial
Chapter 24. Rebekah to be Isaac' wife
Chapter 25. Abraham passed away and the birth of Esau and Jacob
Chapter 26. Isaac settled in Gerar, God blessed him
Chapter 27. Isaac blessed Jacob, Esau want to avenge
Chapter 28. God blessed Jacob at Bethel
Chapter 29. Jacob married with Leah and Rachel
Chapter 30. Jacob' childrens and prosperity
Chapter 31. Jacob flees from Laban
Chapter 32. Jacob prepares to meet Esau
Chapter 33. Jacob reconciles with Esau
Chapter 34. The defiling of Dinah and vegence of blood
Chapter 35. God called Jacob' name Israel and blessed him, Rachel and Isaac passed away
Chapter 36. Esau's descendents
Chapter 37. Joseph sold by his brothers, goes to Egypt
Chapter 38. Judah and Tamar
Chapter 39. Joseph serves Potiphar, undergo difficulties
Chapter 40. Pharaoh's two official and Joseph
Chapter 41. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream, God makes him lord of whole Egypt
Chapter 42. Ten brothers of Joseph come to Egypt, they bow down before Joseph as the dream
Chapter 43. Eleven brothers of Joseph return to Egypt, they meet Joseph
Chapter 44. Joseph tests his brothers and Judah decides to sacrifice
Chapter 45. Joseph reunion with his family
Chpater 46. Jacob's 70 family live in Egypt
Chapter 47. Jacob meets Pharaoh and bless him, Joseph save the world
Chpater 48. Jacob blessed Joseph's two son
Chapter 49. Jacob blessed his twelve sons and he passed away
Chapter 50. Joseph passed away

Title of Exodus
Chapter 1. Israel increased and powerful in Egypt, Pharaoh oppressed them
Chapter 2. The birth of Moses, he fled from Egypt for his murder, he married Midian woman
Chapter 3. God called Moses for saving his people from Egypt
Chapter 4. Moses went back to his people in Egypt
Chapter 5. Moses and Aaron and Pharaoh met in the palace
Chapter 6. God's promises again
Chapter 7. Moses' staff became a serpent, and then begin blood plague
Chapter 8. 2nd, 3rd and 4th miraculous signs, Frogs, Gnats, Flies
Chapter 9. 5th: Egyptian livestock dead, 6th: Boils, 7th: Hail
Chapter 10. 8th: Locusts, 9th: Darkness
Chapter 11. Moses warned to Pharaoh
Chapter 12. 10th: Firstborn killed in Egypt, Passover the Israelites
Chapter 13. The feast of unleavened bread, the firstborn shall be the Lord's
Chapter 14. The Egyptians pursued Israelites, Israelites crossed the Red Sea
Chapter 15. The song of Moses, they came to Marah and Elim
Chapter 16. Israelites grumbled and God gave the Manna
Chapter 17. Israelites grumbled against Moses, God gave water from a rock, faught with Amalekites
Chapter 18. Moses father-in-law adviced that appoint trustworthy men as officials over Israel
Chapter 19. Israel at Mount Sinai
Chapter 20. The Ten Commendments
Chapter 21. Laws of slaves, restoration
Chapter 22. Restitution
Chapter 23. Social laws, keep the Sabbath and the feast, destroy the idols of Canaan
Chapter 24. Moses was on the Mountain 40 days and night
Chapter 25. Prepare for the Sanctuary, shall make an ark and table of bread and lampstand
Chapter 26. The Tabernacle
Chapter 27. The bronze Altar, The court of the Tabernacle, , Oil for the light
Chapter 28. The Priests' Garments
Chapter 29. To be consecrate Priests
Chapter 30. The altar of incense, tax, the bronze basin, the sacred(holy)anointing oil
Chapter 31. God called by name Bezalel and Oholiab, Sabbaths
Chapter 32. Israel made a golden calf and altar, they corrupted themselves
chapter 33. God said he don't want to go up with them, Moses intercessed for his people
Chapter 34. God showed his glory to Moses, God gave laws
Chapter 35. Sabbath and tabernacle
Chapter 36. They made the Tabernacle
Chapter 37. They made the Ark, Table, Lampstand, Altar of Incense
Chapter 38. The altar of burnt offering, the bronze basin, the court
Chapter 39. Holy garments for Aaron and his sons
Chapter 40. The tabenacle erected, priests anointed by Moses

Title of Leviticus
Chapter 1. Burnt offerings
Chapter 2. Grain offerings
Chapter 3. Peace offerings
Chapter 4. Sin offerings
Chapter 5. Sin and offering
Chapter 6. Guilt offering, Priest' rules
Chapter 7. Regulations for offerings
Chapter 8. Moses consecrated Aaron and his sons
Chapter 9. Offerings started and God appeared to all the people
Chapter 10. Nadab and Abihu offered unauthorized fire and they died
Chapter 11. Clean and unclean animals
Chapter 12. Ragulations for the woman who gives birth
Chapter 13. Leprous disease
Chapter 14. Laws for cleansing Lepers and houses
Chapter 15. Law for discharge
Chapter 16. Scapegoat and atonement
Chapter 17. Do not eat blood
Chapter 18. Do not follow Egypt and Canaan practices
Chapter 19. Love your neighbor as yourself
Chapter 20. You are to be holy, because the Lord is holy
Chapter 21. Priests must be holy
Chapter 22. Acceptable offerings
Chapter 23. The feast of the Lord
Chapter 24. Punishment blasphemy and eye for eye
Chapter 25. The year of Jubilee
Chapter 26. Blessing and cursing
Chapter 27. Special vow


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