Theology(Christian) exam_Part II

Theology(Christian) exam_Part II

Refer to Scripture and theologians in your answer.

1. Identify the sources used in systematic theology. Discuss the ways in which sources and methods of systematic theology can influence or control the contents of systematic theology. 

2. What are the nature and purpose/ goal of systematic theology in/for the life of the Christian church? 

3. What are the functions of general revelation?

4. Define the relationship between natural theology and general revelation.

5. Briefly critique propositional revelation.

6. Briefly critique personal revelation.

7. What is the relationship between language and revelation?

8. In what sense is the Bible God’s word?

9. In what sense is the Bible God’s revelation?

10. What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Bible?

11. Briefly explain the relationship between the Bible and tradition.

12. Briefly explain the relationship between the Bible and special revelation.

13. How does revelation as history view time?

14. How would you explain the relationship between divine promises in relationship to time?

15. What is the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament?

16. How would you explain God’s presence to beginning Christian?

17. “The Bible is both divine and human in its authorship.” Explain what this means.

18. Explain the relationships between sola scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide for theological method and

19. Briefly explain what is meant by, “In revelation, God gives himself to us.”

20. List the divine attributes from a theologian of your choice. Then evaluate the usefulness and/or limitations of the talk of divine attributes in the doctrine of God.

21. Briefly define divine impassibility. Should the church defend or reject it? Give your reasons.

22. Briefly define divine immutability. Should the church defend or reject it? Give your reasons.

23. List and define the major heresies of the Trinity that arose in the first five centuries. 

24. What should be the starting point of the Christian talk of God?

25. Should you begin with the doctrine of God before the doctrine of the Trinity? Why or why not?

26. What irreducible about life according to the triune nature of God?

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