Historical books Chapter titles_Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Historical books Chapter titles


1. Proclamation of Cyrus king of Persia
2. The exiles returned to Jerusalem and Judah
3. They built the altar of the God of Israel
4. The adversaries of Judah and Benjamin against the exiles
5. Began to rebuild again, Tattenai who governor letter to king Darius
6. King Darius made a decree, he approved to build God’s house, and Temple finished, Passover celebrated
7. Ezra teaches the people and thanks the Lord
8. Genealogy and moving some offering goods to Temple
9. Mixed Marriages, Ezra’s Prayer
10. The People confess their sin and pledged to put away their wives


1. Nehemiah’s prayer
2. Nehemiah Surveys the Ruins
3. The Builders Begin to Build
4. Opposition of Sanballat
5. Nehemiah governed them sincerely
6. Continuing opposition but the wall is finished
7. The list of the exiles
8. Ezra read the law and taught, and feast
9. The people assembled and confessed their sin
10. On the seals are the names
11. The leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem, and villages
12. Priests and Levies, dedication of the wall
13. They read from the Book of Moses


1. King’s feast for seven days, queen’s disobey
2. Esther became a queen
3. Plot, Mordecai and Haman
4. Esther’s decision
5. Esther’s plan
6. Mordecai honored by king
7. Haman Hanged
8. The Jews Delivered
9. Destroy the enemy, the Feast of Purim
10. The high honor of Mordecai

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