Moral and Faith Development in Christian Education


Moral and Faith Development in Christian Education

Interpret the situation

Analyze other one's situation? Not myself? 

Moral Development 

Social Learning Theories of Moral Development
Development of Prosocial behavior
Imitation and Modeling

Cognitive Developmental Theories of Moral Development
 Piaget's Moral Judgment
 1) the rules of the game
 2) Moral realism
 3) the idea of justice

Heteronomous rules

Kohlberg's Moral Development
- Kohlberg: he changes Piaget's conception of moral growth. 

*Level 1) Preconventional Morality(Ages 4-10)
Stage 1 - Concern with obedience and punishment
Stage 2 - Concern with satisfying needs

*Level 2) Conventional Morality(Ages 10-13)
Stage 3 - Desire for "good boy" or "good girl" image
Stage 4- Concern for law and order, doing ones' duty, and showing respect

*Level 3) Postconventional Morality(Ages 13 to young adult)
Stage 5- concern for the legitimate rights of the individual
Stage 6- concern for ethical principles
Stage 7- Agape? 

Heinz Dilema

Other cognitive developmental theories
Stage 0 : Egocentric perspective-taking 
Stage 1 : Subjective perspective-taking
Stage 2 : reciprocal perspective-taking
Stage 3 : Mutual perspective-taking
Stage 4 : Sociental-symbolic perspective-taking

Early chlidhood(B-5) - Commitment of Love Jesus
Later Childhood(6-11) - Commitment of Life to Jesus Christ
Adolescence(12-16) - Commitment to the basic Tenets of the Christian faith of the Christian Heritige
Early Adulthood - Commitment to live the faith
Middle adulthood - Commitment to deeper the faith
Later adulthood - Commitment to the eternal

Type of S.F.
Positive: progressing S.F.
Negative : 
1) Arrested   
2) Regressed 
3) Unaddressed (1) delay acceptance (2) Never heard

1) Commitment to the present - late salvation
2) Commitment from the present - Anticipated death(or early death)

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