Rule of Life


Rule of Life 

What is a rule of life?
A pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness
- Patterns : attitudes, behaviors, or elements that are routine, repeated, regular
- discipline: training and practice
- The purpose: to help us grow into holiness; image and likeness of God; a caterpillar into a butterfly
- 20m of spiritual reading in the morning 15 m of self-examination in the evening…...

Making choices
What am I deeply attracted to, why? -seem natural to our personality?
Where do I feel God is calling me to stretch and grow?-a strong negative reaction?
What kind of balance do I need in my life? A balance exercise for spirit, mind, and body / The rule of benedict: prayer, study, labor(3H prayer, 3H labor, 3H study…..)

Spiritual Discipline:  
Spiritual reading, Prayer, worship , fasting , self-examination, spiritual direction, hospitality

Realistic commitment is an expression of humility. 
Personal circumstances 
- a parent staying at home
- A demanding job with long hours of work
- Retired 
- A chronic illness or disability
- A full-time student

Keeping ourselves accountable
- write it down 
- Choose one person to share your rule with
- Seek support from your faith community

Spiritual life is a joint intention
- The personal and the corporate
- The inner and the outer
- The divine intent for us and our own intent to love and serve God


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